5 reasons to train with SQN

How do you choose your training provider for asbestos training? Reputation? Quality? Location? Available dates? Independent? Or price….?

You likely have a priority list because you can’t always have everything you want. Whatever your reasons, let us share the value we offer to you.

1. Training designed for what you do

Our new training sessions are designed for asbestos removal professionals. Most people prefer to learn through doing, so we have made more time for practical training and assessment. We also adapt our training sessions to our client’s requirements. We want you to get the most out of the session.

The supervisor training session assumes prior knowledge - it is mostly those of you who have been removing asbestos for a while and are ready for the next step of your careers. So we focus on how to be effective, supportive team leaders and look more at what a supervisor needs to do to keep a removal company compliant. Students carry out their site inspections, present their toolbox talks and demonstrate instructing workers. We keep active throughout the day.

Our new combined Class A & B course really cuts down the amount of writing students have to do compared to doing the units separately. This is proving popular so far! It makes sense as there is a lot similar between the two units. We get more time for practical training plus it reduces the total time students spend away from site.

Our training centres in Auckland and Wellington are set up to replicate real sites so we can run scenarios that reflect real situations. This helps students relate to the training and they can be more prepared for the real world. Having proper decontamination facilities, negative pressure units, smoke machines and mock asbestos containing materials helps them to problem solve and make mistakes in a controlled environment.

We have more new courses on the horizon, so watch this space!

2. Passionate, experienced and knowledgeable trainers

We are genuinely passionate about keeping everyone safe around asbestos. We want to pass that passion onto everyone we meet! Especially our training consultant, Alannah.

Alannah has 10 years international experience under her belt. She has worked in asbestos laboratories carrying out at building and soil sample analysis, surveyed all types of buildings and has extensive experience with large scale asbestos removal projects.

This benefits you as she will always try her best to make her training sessions engaging and relevant to her students. She will also make sure students understand the course material so they are safe. Do you want to get excited about a career in asbestos? Then Alannah is definitely the trainer for you.

3. Quality training

Through Besafe Training Ltd, we have access to their excellent quality management systems to ensure the qualifications you receive are worth the paper they are written on. All the NZQA assessments we use have been pre moderated by an accredited Industry Training Organisation (ITO). The benefit of this is you know that when Besafe are audited by the standard setting body or NZQA as the Private Training Establishment (PTE), the assessments and the way they are marked has already been vetted externally.

We also have regular internal post moderation by Besafe to ensure the assessor is being fair and consistent with their marking. Plus these audits make sure the course delivery is accessible to all the students. This process makes sure we are maintaining high standards and are constantly improving.

4. New location & flexibility

We received approval from NZQA through our subcontracting agreement with Besafe to open our new training facilities in Wellington. The first sessions ran in May and the space worked really well. We have a new classroom in the works to comfortably seat up to 12 students.

The feedback from all the students was amazing and everyone left feeling happy and accomplished.

Our trainer can also travel to anywhere in the country and set up practical training in your buildings. Get in touch if this is an option you would like to explore.

5. Reputation

Besafe Training Ltd is a Category 1 Training Provider which means NZQA have awarded the highest level of confidence to the training Besafe provide. The feedback students and employers share about Besafe has made them a trusted health and safety training provider for PCBUs across the country.

SQN works hard to maintain this from our side of things!

For our part, we have been quietly building relationships with our clients based on trust and results. We have been sharing our expertise and knowledge and the confidence people have in us has grown so much over the last few years. You may be meeting just our trainer at a session, but they draw on the experience of the whole team.

So are you ready for some training that is going to bring real value to you, your team and your business? Click below to see the upcoming sessions at the Besafe training centre or the SQN training centre. Can’t see what you are looking for? Email Alannah and she will be happy to help!

The NZQA courses are delivered by SQN Consulting Ltd who is delivering as a NZQA approved subcontractor to Besafe Training Ltd. Besafe Training Ltd is a category 1 Private Training Establishment and is responsible for reporting the NZQA credits to the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF).


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